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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Schu's Review: Limitless

When it comes to movies at the theatre, I've always enjoyed going for a good action flick or a comedy. Anything else, I can easily wait til it comes out on DVD. So, I was really waiting for Limitless with Bradley Cooper. The previews showed a distinctly different side to Cooper. After all, I've watched the Hangover about 8 times and he makes me laugh every time. This movie starts with Cooper being anything but funny.
He's disheveled, lives in a ripped up and rotten apartment, and is trying to write a boo. Eddie Morra is a bumb trying to be a writer. Not long into the movie, his girlfriend calls to provide us with Eddie's first dilemma: she dumps him on his ass. This is Eddie's motivation to get out and try to figure out what's going on with his pathetic life. He wanders around aimlessly trying to get his motivation, and he ends up meeting his ex-wife's brother. I mean, what are the chances? It's only New York City! Millions of people walking around, and Eddie bumps into his ex brother in law. They still get along too. It's unreal. "Hey, let's go for a drink". They do. Here's the best part: "I know you're my ex's bro and all, but dude, I'm stuck. I don't know what to write".
"I have an idea, Eddie. Why don't you take this pill I have. It's only a sample. But see this really nice suit I'm wearing? I can afford it cuz this pill kicks ass". "Really, how is a pill going to make me write a book?" Okay, he doesn't really ask that last question, but you get the idea. The pill is some kind of sample, and Johnny (the brother in law) works the streets trying to sell these things. The pill causes humans to access 100% of their brain. It acts very fast, too.  I caught myself wishing someone would come up with a pill to reduce my beer gut in 30 seconds, but I digress. Eddie takes the pill. You guessed it. His life turns around. He writes the book. It's awesome. He's wicked smart. Makes some money. Then, more conflict: the pills are killing  people, the lab rats, if you will. Wait. There's more. If the subjects 'stop' taking the pills, they die. It's a  conundrum. Get greedy, take too many, you die. Stop taking them, you die. Eddie's pills are running out. However, Johnny's been killed. See, that's why you never keep up those relationships with the ex wife's family, it's only gonna get ya in trouble. The previews really made the movie seem to be 'edge of your seat'. It
wasn't. It's a movie that's 'good' for DVD. Not for a theater. Cooper was good. Not great, but good. It was
a really predictable movie. The writers/director really tried hard at the end to make up for it, but by then, it was too late. Limitless was an average drama. A bit of action, not a lot. Robert De Niro was forgettable. The way his character slid into the plot and carried it along was very 'B-Grade". It felt like he made the movie as a favor to someone. As a villain, I didn't hate him. For Cooper, I didn't feel bad for the guy. I wasn't pulling for him. I didn't care if he found more pills and saved the world with books. Limitless was an average movie with a good cast. I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy watching it on DVD, when they're bored on Sunday night. But that DVD will be at your next garage sale, guaranteed.

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